Foto Friday: Ant Attack

A few weeks ago we featured a story on Leafcutter Ants and their forest management skills. You can read the post here.

The story was also picked up for the  Circus of the Spineless #69, a blog carnival, which was hosted by our friends at Wild About Ants. Go and check them out for other cool posts about all things invertebrates.

After we posted the story, we encountered some more Leaf Cutters hard at work, and had the chance to capture some pretty cool pictures.

Happy Friday!

Leafcutter Ants at Lower Dover

Leafcutter Ants at Lower Dover

Leafcutter Ants at Lower Dover

Leafcutter Ants at Lower Dover


12 thoughts on “Foto Friday: Ant Attack

  1. Wow, those guys aren’t messing around! I accidentally stepped in an anthill of some sort last summer at the lake where we keep our boat docked. Didn’t see it because of the underbrush, but then felt ’em swarming over my feet and ankles. I still have scars from those bite marks…

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